Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What Does Blogging Mean to You?

What does blogging mean to you? To some people, it might mean having a certain number of pageviews and comments daily. To others, the goal might be more spread out, like once a week. And still, to others the goal might simply be to have comments whenever the mood to post strikes. There are others who might not even care about comments and page views, and the most important thing to them would be expressing themselves.

Image: www.ekaterinawalter.com

There are so many different goals we all have when we put our fingers to the keyboard. Because of that, none of us should base our success off of what other people are doing. Just because someone gets all the comments and page views, doesn't mean your blog is pointless. Just because someone posts daily when you only post weekly, doesn't mean your blog is pointless.

We need to keep these things in mind when we are analyzing our blog and its success. Not all of us have ideas for blog posts daily, and not all of us have the network to give us 20 comments on every post. That is ok! For most of us, part of blogging is personal -- we do it for us! It is important to keep that in mind when you start comparing yourself to others.

No one can write like you can, and no one is going to have the same exact thoughts and statements as you. Your words are valuable, no matter how successful you think they are. We all have value, and our blogs mean something unique to each of us!


  1. Rachel, thanks so much for this post. It's so much about setting your OWN goals for what you want to get out of blogging! Even if that's not the same as Suzy Blogger next door.

  2. I love this! I am new, and I am VERY random haha. If I didn't find a hobby or a way to connect i was going to go insane and take my husband with me.

  3. Great post. I started blogging as an outlet. I've always kept a diary, since I first could write. Transitioning to a digital journal was the next logical step. I never knew I would love it so much and it would open so many door for me and my family. Blogging in a way for my to connect with other moms and women that I normally wouldn't have the ability to. I love blogging and I love my job.

    1. That is so great that blogging has been so beneficial for you. It sounds like you are really taking care of yourself and doing what is best for you!

  4. Great post - there should never be a set way or style of blogging because it's so personal and that makes it great!

    1. You're right; all the different styles make it interesting!

  5. I love this, and is so true. I think you need to be you in your post and from that you'll grow in all forms!

    I awarded you the Liebster Award on my blog! Check it out - http://www.angiesangle.com/2014/02/another-liebster-award-why-thank-you.html

    1. Oh my gosh, thank you so much!!! I am honored :)

  6. So true. I sometimes feel like I'm not as good at blogging because I don't post as often as others, but I know that's not true. Good reminder:)

    1. I need to remind myself of that too, because I'm not always coming up with new ideas!

  7. PREACH!!! I loved this Rachel :) You always have such a positive twist to everything that is honestly very uplifting :)

